Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dog run cycle

Expressions and Turn Around

Lots of work to do =/ I am really enjoying seeing everyone's work tho. The character designs are just awesome. I wish i got character design, still not really coming up with anything good.

Friday, October 31, 2008

What i had on wednesday

This is what i got to test on Wednesday i didn't send myself the the rough animation without facial animation for the rest of this first character. Ive been working on the rest of the animation (mainly the second character) today for a bit and half of yesterday. This is all i have shot. I really got stuck yesterday when i stopped having fun. ill be working on it for the rest of the night even if it dosn't effect my grade i just want to enjoy myself and have fun with it without having to worry about grades or the competition. And thats a happy thought =).

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Still working

got a lot good amount finished but i am going to wait till tomorrow and use the pencil test machine to get it in.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First second and a half.

Had time to in between my first second and a half. looks cool but the mouth shapes are off but its defiantly better then the the keyframes and in betweens i had before. I think i might change some keyframes i have now that i see it in motion. Anyway ill post more when i get more in between done.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Figure drawings

These were a lot of fun to do. Its really a different approach then I am use to but I like it. Hopefully i can get faster at it and get more information down on the page.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Box animation update

really rough, the drawings are off, and it not the end, but it was fun and i like it so i don't care.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Updated poses

Is that hamburgers i smell...sweet i love hamburgers. O man if its a breakfast jack i am going to freak. Huh, whats this a note..."confiscated by the hamburgler, enjoy your hamburgerless life" What, you can't do that! Damn you hamburgerler. Ahh look at myself i am talking to a piece of paper...(Don't think i am going to keep this one but it was fun to do regardless)

TLDR; Yum I smell hamburgers. look a note. damn you hamburgerler for taking my hamburgers.


I got to stop pulling all nighters.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Composition scan

Composition exercise, along with a few figure drawing fixed up a bit in photoshop

Three Key poses for reaction animation

Can't use this one, but i understand why...long live the circle nose...that is all

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ball throw movie

Video thumbnail. Click to play
Click To Play

Ball throw movie update still rough but i am working on it =/

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Final animation Draft

Still working on it. It needs many more passes before its done as well as some inbetweens in places i didn't see until i scaned it in. Its a bit over 7 secs so i dont think i can add more to it but it needs a lot more follow-though in the hands cleaner lines,slow in and out when he steps back and more variation in the expressions(or stronger expressions).

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Key poses with very rough timing (WIP)

Some of the key poses in my animation. I still feel that many of the poses need to be pushed. Filming help alot with the poses but acting it out seemed give more interesting poses. My character fails at kicking the seemingly light pig.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Think This is the one

The grumpy character looks down at the toy pig spiral and decides to punt it because of the insecurity that he has with his spirally hair.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I can't deside right now!

Just a few characters i made during the weekend. I like aspects of each. Still working on it I think im going to use the top one. It is based on one of my friends who works at a coffee shop and who very clumsy. Thinking about having him stumble with a cup of coffee in his hand and not fall but the cup breaks for no reason anyway.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

maya walk revised one more time

fixed alot of little problems with my spline curves that made the animation a little jerky as well and reworked my key positions. The only problem that i had is that even though i turned off the stretchy leg option i still could not get the heel from going to forward while still achieving a strong angle on the foot. I think that the way the skin weights are painted is preventing me from getting the right look on the heel

Sunday, March 30, 2008

3d walk with arms

This project was alright. Had some technical problems but figured it out for the most part. Still miss the cat file =/. Anyway hope everyone enjoyed their spring break and can't wait to see everyone tomorrow.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Anticipation fixup and 3d Ball Bounce (Edited)

Clown now goes lower during his anticipation. EDIT! Fixed up the ball a bit more and gave it a face, really did not feel right without one.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Anticipation Animation

Alright its up hope you guys like it. It seems kinda fast i may go in later and add more inbetweens on the first look up and maybe more anticipation before the smile.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Facial Expression

After watching the movie "IT" when i was a little kid i never really liked clowns but this one dose not seem so bad. Anyway everyone's key poses are looking really good i think that whatever comes out of these projects are going to look really interesting.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Walk update

Still working on it but i think i got the arms to follow though better as well as the hair.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm walking on sunshine...

Still needs a bit of work but...this project was really really fun to animate. There is so much going on in a simple walk it is hard to get things looking and working right. There are countless arcs and follow though as well as delayed timing its hard to include even 20% of them without multiple passes.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Followthough and overlaping action Revision

Re-did my follow though this time with a more organic version of classic Kit-cat clock. I finally get how to do follow though(i hope). I also found that if you put your animation disk at a higher angle it is much easier to flip and its less strain on the back.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Followthough and overlaping action

This project was kinda cool. I got to bug my cat while she was sleeping (like she dose to me). I did the basic 8 drawing for each pass then added a few inbetweens right before the the top of the passes and the bottom the passes to give it a slightly smoother look. I still want to go back later and add a few more inbetweens and maybe slow down the tail. Maybe add a flail to the end of the tail and have a mouse battle the tail.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Quick time version

Yay Got the quick time working finally. Check out, its a time and stress saver! The file take a good amount of time to load so give it a bit of time. Just click on the computer icon to start loading.

squash & STRECH (Bouncing Ball Fun)

Bounce, bounce, plunk. The bouncing ball test was pretty fun, it seems like a good way to get the ball rolling on animation. Well in any case its always a thrill to get something moving on paper.
Squash and stretch has nice results when applied the the bouncing ball. I think i may have gone to far on the stretch parts during the falling motion, what do you guys think? The material of the ball, because of the long stretches, seems softer and more pliable the a normal ball material. Almost like a ball of fluid or tire rubber. I think later on I am going to add a shadow that follows the ball along it's path and maybe play with timing to get different kind of materials associated with the ball.
Well hope everyone's animation is coming out well and i will see you in class on Monday.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heavy Metal Lifting

Got rid of a old T.V., drew, rocked out and made a bad pun all in one day!In all seriousness this was a very entertaining assignment. I am not sure if we were supposed to try to draw from model for this exercise but i tried too and kinda like the structural model from the example. I tried filming myself doing the actions and it really helped in figuring out gesture, i just suggest deleting the films after for fear of black mail later on.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This animation by Dony Permedi is a very clever idea with great character animation which invokes emotion in the viewer.